貓頭鷹/Owl Doll

owl doll

這是一隻貓頭鷹﹐已經做了很久﹐卻因為沒有買到眼睛﹐看起來醜醜的﹐所以一直沒有放上來。這是一個在甜甜圈裹的交換活動﹐ 如果有朋友想做的﹐請到我家小腳點選“Free分享”就可以看到教學檔了。謝謝人兒 ﹗拼布快樂 !
This is an owl doll that I finished it long time ago. I didn't post it here because I didn't purchased his eyes so he looked so ugly and odd. This is one of the swapping activities organised in Happy Quilting Group. If anyone want to make one, please visit 我家小腳and choose the icon say "Free分享” then you will see in one of those step-by-step instruction photos. Thanks to 人兒 ﹗ Happy Quilting !
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