甜甜圈作業--姐妹壁飾/Happy Quilting Group Project--Sisters Wall Hanging

Sister Wall Hanging - my first attempt to try silk ribbon embroidery

silk ribbon embriodery - spider web roses

這壁飾是用貼布繡和手壓線﹐斷斷續續地做了差不多一個月了。由於甜甜圈的作業真的已經很久沒有做了﹐也快有三個月﹐真擔心再不用功會被開除掉。這次可算是我首次做壁飾﹐還有地方不太滿意。我本想有多點時間便在邊框上多加點壓線﹐可是真的沒時間了﹐只好作罷。 今次也是我首次學做緞帶繡﹐原來也不難的耶﹐不過買絲的緞帶真的有點貴。早前請牛牛幫我買了菊池洋子的書﹐希望收到後可多練習一下。
This wall hanging is done by hand applique and quilting that took me almost a month to finish it. I haven't sumbitted any project for quite sometime already, about 3 months, that made me start to worry of get kicking out from the group. This is my first time to make a wall hanging. I'm still not quite satify with it yet. If I had more time then I prefer to add more hand quilting in the border but it's almost at the deadline soon so I've given it up. This is also my attempt to try ribbon embroidery. It's actually not so difficult as I expect but the silk ribbons are really a little expensive. I will try practice more once I have got a silk ribbon embroidery book by a Japanese author 菊池洋子 which Cowy help me to buy it earlier.
At 12/09/2004 7:40 上午,
匿名 said…
At 12/09/2004 9:02 上午,
Ada said…
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