花束壁飾/Flower Bouquet Wall Hanging

A wall hanging quilt for Roberta

My husband and my younger son would visit Hong Kong and my friend has just passed her birthday not too long ago so I made this wall hanging quilt for her. This wall hanging quilt was done by hand appliqued, machine pieced and quilted. At first I plan to have hand quilting but the time was really so limited (only 5 days). When doing this quilt I also face another problem i.e. I discovered 2 days before my son depart that his passport had expired more than 1 and half months already. Luckyly me that I finally got it by expediate service of passport agency but that spent my one whole day there ! At last, I got the quilt finished and now I only hope that she will like it.
At 6/10/2006 6:07 下午,
匿名 said…
Hi Ada,
I made an exactly same quilt as this one! it took me a long time to finish and it was my first applique project :-)
At 6/12/2006 9:14 上午,
Ada said…
Hi Julian,
It's nice to know you've also made this one, applique actually do take a lot of time. Do you have a blog or photo album ? Could I have a chance to look at your wonderful work ?
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