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Ebay Spoof Letter/Ebay誑騙信件

一直都有在Ebay買賣東西的我﹐ 最近收到由Ebay傳來主題是< Your Final Warning From eBay>的一封信﹐ 大意就是要我到Ebay 的網登入﹐ 然後補上信用卡資料因為卡已經過期﹐ 不然的話我的賬戶將會不能繼續買賣。 心裹就想著好像這些有關的資料﹐ 還是不要在網上發送了﹐ 去Ebay網上看看有沒有其他方法可以確認一下才提供。 怎料經確認以後﹐ 原來這是一封誑騙信﹐ 主要是來套取我的登入密碼和信用卡資料。 可幸這次我沒中計﹐ !

在Ebay的回信上還說﹕ 如果收到類似的信﹐ 不肯定是否真的由Ebay發出﹐ 請forward 那信到spoof@ebay.com去查証一下。千萬不要回覆以及按信裹的link。 當forward信時﹐ 請不要更改或刪掉信的主題或更改信的內容。

I used to sell and bid things in Ebay then I recently received a letter from Ebay with the subject "Your Final Warning From Ebay". The rough contents were asking me to log-in Ebay and re-submit the VISA information because the card was expired otherwise my account bidding and selling activity would be restricted. I thought that this kind of information I rather not supplied on internet so I went to Ebay's website to find ways for reconfirmation before I replied to it. Then I found out that this was a spoof letter mainly to solicit my password and VISA information. How lucky ! I didn't fall into this trap, !

Ebay's reply letter said: If anybody receive this kind of letter which they are not certain if it's really come from Ebay, they can forward it to to confirm. Make sure you don't reply the letter also don't delete or alter the subject line plus the contents.



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