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快樂小貓咪被子/Happy Cat Quilt

Happy Cat Quilt Posted by Hello

February Block - I am scared of ghost !!!! Posted by Hello

April Block - Sakura Festival !!! Posted by Hello

May Block - Boy's flag day Posted by Hello

June Block - hoooo ! it's raining now. Posted by Hello

這是一張雙人的被子我做來送給一位在香港認識很久的好朋友。 其實已經答應了做很久﹐ 不過想等到她生日才送上﹐好像比較有紀念價值。預早一個多月便開始跟朋友聯絡得知她的喜好和要求﹐ 沒想到她說不喜歡花花而喜歡貓貓﹐狗狗﹐ 小房子那些可愛﹐有趣的圖(其實也不難想到啦﹐ 因為她是位幼兒園的教師)。 一直便已想做這幾個圖連載於2004 年的4期 Cotton Friend﹐ 這次正好附合朋友的心意那就更好。對我來說最難的就是配色方面囉﹐ 因為她想要我用深色的布。自己一直收集的布和這邊賣的也都是鮮艷的佔大多數﹐ 所以我也只好選了紅﹐啡為主色再配上黃色來點綴吧。 希望朋友不要介意我選的顏色就好了。

這次是用手做貼布縫和用機做free-motion 的壓線方法。 真沒想到光是做貼布縫就已經用了3個多星期了﹐ 本想好要加上由拼接而成的屋子圖案作邊框的﹐ 也趕不起來﹐ 只好用黃色邊框來襯托一下。 我還用free-motion壓線的方式 壓了“Happy Cat Happy All Year Round"的字樣在內框上祝朋友每一天﹐每一年都開心過日子。

最後真的被我趕出來還可以配合好速遞公司的時間在朋友的生日那天送遞﹐ 可惜她一直都不在家﹐ 到最後幾經波折郵包送到朋友手上已經差不多一星期後了。 收到朋友的電郵得知她喜歡我選的顏色和被子就感到開心和放心了啊.

今一次輪到我的小孩不想把被子送人囉。 到最後知道真的要送出去時也只好說﹕「起碼也可以拍一下照片作留念吧﹐ 是每一個圖都要拍啊﹗」。

當做這張被子做到很累時便想著。。。「做完了以後一定要休息好幾個星期了 」。 怎想到做完了兩天以後就一直不停地 想著我現在要再做些甚麼作品好呢﹖ 手又開始癢癢的囉﹗﹗

This is a double bed quilt which I made for my best friend in Hong Kong. I have actually promised her to make this a long time ago but I also have a feeling that it would be better to wait until her birthday then the gift would be more memorable. In order to have more time for preparation so I have communicated with her more than 1 months ago and got the idea from her which I really didn't expect that she didn't like flower and would prefer to have cat, dog or little house as the motifs on the quilt (but if I think of her career then I would not be surprised because she is a kindergarden teacher). This quilt pattern came from 4 issues of Cotton Friend in Year 2004 which I intend to make for long time already so this time the theme can meet her requirement that's really even nicer. As most of the fabrics available at the store and the ones I collected are all bright and colorful so to me the most difficult part is to work on the color scheme which can fit in my friend's requirement i.e. dark tone color. I've finally chosen red, brown as the main color scheme and yellow to add some spice to the quilt. I do hope that she won't mind of my choice.

I have used hand applique, stuffing and free motion machine quilting on this quilt. I couldn't think of just the hand applique part have took me 3 more weeks already so I didn't have time to do as I have planned i.e. to add on the piecing house border. I have used the yellow border instead.

At last I have finished the quilt just in time to meet the schedule to be sent by courier to Hong Kong that arrived on her birthday. As it's her birthday of course she should be out. After few attempts, the package finally arrived at her hands almost a week later. I have just received an email from her said that she like the color I have chosen and the quilt as well. Wooshh..... I feel happy and much relieve now .

This time are my sons don't want to let go of this quilt but at last he realized that it have to be sent out then he said: "at least we can take some pictures, right ?! don't forget to capture each every block, ok"

When I am making this quilt up to the moment of feeling really tired then I think "when I finish this one I should rest for at least few weeks". But, I couldn't believe myself, 2 days later, I start thinking of the next project again.....


  • At 5/30/2005 5:53 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said…


  • At 6/01/2005 12:14 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said…


  • At 6/05/2005 9:00 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said…



  • At 6/07/2005 1:59 下午, Blogger Ada said…




    謝謝妳。 接連做了3張被子﹐ 現在才知道累啊。 接下來還剛剛報名參加做蘇婆婆的壁飾。 妳也有興趣嗎﹖


    謝謝妳。 其實一直都有到妳的blog去看的﹐ 也是看到妳做的貓貓很漂亮才引發我也想做的耶(妳的貓貓很美的﹐ 怎麼會是“熊貓”呢)妳只是沒空把其他完成而已。我是因為有限期才可以有意志把牠做完。 老實說﹐ 真的是有點捨不得送走牠的啦。

  • At 6/08/2005 12:26 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said…


    對了,你用free-motion 的壓線方法時,送布齒要放下嗎?我也想來試試看free-motion ,

  • At 6/08/2005 12:27 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said…


  • At 6/08/2005 8:56 上午, Blogger Ada said…


    原來妳的熊貓是有這樣的由來﹐ 我現在了解了。希望很快便可以看到妳的熊貓被被﹐ 很期待啊。

    另外妳問到free-motion壓線﹐是需要把送布齒放下的﹐ 那樣車起來會比較流暢。 如果妳是第一次做的話﹐ 妳可以幻想車針就是一枝筆﹐ 妳要壓線的作品是一張紙﹐ 這次是妳移動紙張來作畫﹐ 那就自然得心應手的啦。

    起初我也遇到有些困難的﹐ 現在懂了以後真的覺得很好玩。這次我在朋友被子上壓了小屋子和小魚魚的圖﹐ 還可以寫字﹐ 真的可以讓妳自由發揮而且完成速度很快﹐ 只要兩天便壓完那被子了。 特別要留意的是上下線的tension﹐ 不然就會經常卡住﹐ 不好車的了。妳先試試看﹐ 有問題可以在甜甜圈那邊留言給我吧。

    Happy Quilting !



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