Ada 的拼布小站/Ada's quilting room



甜甜圈為南亞海嘯災民募款活動/Happy Quilting Group Fund Raising for Tsunami Victims in South Asia

最近南亞發生大災難﹐甜甜圈的姊妹們為了出一分力﹐所以由小湘發起舉幹了一個募款的義賣活動。這次主要是由參與的甜甜圈會員(已經有63多人了)自己出錢出力做好一些作品(主要是零錢包比較多)放在台灣Yahoo拍賣場來拍賣﹐ 為了吸引多點買家﹐ 運費也是由作品制作者出的啊﹐ 這次得來的善款是全數捐到中華民國紅十字會。那些善款將用匯款方式送到紅十字會﹐所以會有個別的單據以作証明。我希望這活動可以非常成功﹐為災民募來多一點的善款就好了。

Recently, there were tsunamis appeared in South Asia. Happy Quilting Group members also want to help in this crisis. One of the member, 小湘, has initiated to start a charity sales in order to raise money for the victims. There are 63 members participated in this event by making and donating their own projects (mostly are coins bag) for sales. The pictures of the projects have been posted on Taiwan Yahoo Auction. In order to attract more people buying, the participated members even would pay for the shipping cost to the buyers as well. The raised fund will be wholly donated to Redcross Taiwan. Because the money would be transferred to Redcross Taiwan through bank so receipts would be provided as prove of donations. I really do hope that this charity sales would be in great success that can raise much more money for the victims in this Asia Tsunami.

甜甜圈義賣活動/Happy Quilting Group Charity Sales

Yahoo拍賣場展示義賣作品/Charity Sales Projects on Taiwan Yahoo Auction

中華民國紅十字會/Taiwan Redcross



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