兔子隔熱手套/Rabbit Mitten

Rabbit Mitten

這是雅筑縫紉小世界裹雅筑提供的教學檔﹐ 教得真的很仔細, 在此謝謝她。 本來是用蘇姑娘的貼圖﹐ 可是我改了由牛牛給我的小兔圖形。這手套是用手做貼布縫和機壓線的。 兔子的臉跟手的部份是用了不織布的﹐ 不知道可以看得出來嗎﹖
Thanks to Sunbird for her a really detailed teaching file which supplied by her in her own sewing group Sunbird Sewing World. It suppose to using Sue's picture in applique but I have changed to the rabbit ones supplied by Cowy. This mitten is hand appliqued and machine quilted. I have used craft felt on the faces, ears and hands of rabbits, could you tell it from the photo ?
At 1/27/2005 9:36 下午,
匿名 said…
At 1/29/2005 8:15 下午,
Ada said…
謝謝上面沒有留名字的朋友。其實我超愛兔兔﹐ 就是喜歡他可愛。
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